Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday Morning....February 16

Good Morning,

Yesterday was amazing... When I shared parts of my day with David Guinn his comment was, "Your not in Kansas anymore!" with his great booming laughter.  Yes folks... Joe is off the map and having a great experience in Vancouver.  First, let me tell you that there is snow here now...Yeah that white cold stuff that  I am allergic to, it is on the mountain tops surrounding the City of Vancouver now.  I am thankful that there is no snow in the city... Why does a southerner who doesn't like the cold come to the WINTER Olympics?  Yes, I have asked myself that question too.  I can answer that it is both the power of the Spirit and the gift of encouragement in David.

I want to tell you about being off the map, but first let me tell you about the day's ministry.  We went to the streets near our Hostel where there is a Olympic area; a section of streets blocked off with displays, different types of sculptures, and people...lots of people.  I just walked around with team member Allen and shared with more people than I could count.  I remember one incident where I was sharing with 3 families at the same time... 3 dads, 3 moms, and maybe 6-8 kids.  One young boy, about 5, was able to tell me the story of Jesus in his words (now true, his mom did a little coaching from the side... But what mom wouldn't?), and he did a great job.  I had two other people tell me that they wanted to accept Jesus but were going to do so at a setting of their choosing.  (That seems to be one of the cultural things here.)    I just know I ran out of Jesus Pins in about 2 hours!

Now, being off the map.... I was blessed to go to the Men's 500 meter Speed Skating event yesterday.  Our team sends several members into an event every day to watch...and to do ministry.  (Now I will admit I did more watching than ministry...but I was really off the map.)  I remember sitting there, thinking, "Lord what an awesome blessing.  I never thought that I would ever be sitting in an Olympic event watching such unbelievable competition."  I grew up watching the Olympics on TV and thinking... those are the world's best.  I cheered  for athletes I knew (I was coached, in public school, at one point many years ago, by 2 of America's top decathlon competitors).  But I never thought I would be, in my wildest dreams, sitting in the stands, a bare 50 ft. from world class athletes in world class competition!  I cannot tell you how that  felt... I just sat there smiling (probably a little idiotically maybe!). I was savoring the moment. It was a moment I will treasure...

 As I sat there I had a Holy Spirit moment... I know that God uses things of the world to teach His things, or to take us deeper into His Word. I was reminded that Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 9:24-26; "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.  And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.  I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:".  Here were individuals who had spent their lives training and working towards a 35 second race. That is how long a 500 meter speed skating race takes to complete!  They skate at about 40 miles an hour... they move!  And they go for the GOLD... no one skates for the silver...just the GOLD.  And God said, "That's what we do as Christians... we go for the GOLD."  That is the streets of Gold in heaven... we spent our lives training... becoming more and more like Jesus, learning to live as a Christian.  Our prize is not just a medal, and not earthly fame (No, we would be on any ESPN talk shows or any shows for that matter!) Our prize is an eternity in  heaven on streets of GOLD.  And better yet, only one person can win the GOLD at an Olympic event., but every Christian wins the GOLD!!!!!!  They train for a 35 second race...we train for an eternal life! And as I sat there it became a deeper truth to me even if I may not be able to share it better right now... I run and eternal race... for an eternal reward, with an eternal God.  How awesome a truth!  I wonder if Paul wrote that after having witnessed one of  the early Olympic games in Greece when he was there.  I know he used it to reach those familiar with the games... but maybe he witnessed them too! It was a wonderful God moment... I have always said that I was a blessed man... and I am.

Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Ron shares with 3 individuals on the street.

Allan shares with a young boy and family.  Vancouver has a high population of people of Asian descent.

A 500 meter speed skating race.  The one in blue is an American.  Note how it looks like they are running... Have you ever tried running on ice skates?

1 comment:

  1. We have read your blog entries each day, and have enjoyed every one of them ! I know you are having a great time and what a blessing to share our God with so many people !!.....wonderful opportunity !
    Proud to call you "our pastor" and have shared with everyone we can think of in letting them know about the AMI Sports Chaplain page on Facebook so all can view comments and pictures !
    love in Christ, Toinette
