Saturday, February 13, 2010

Opening Day of the Olympics


It's early Saturday morning here and the people are really beginning to fill up the city.  There  were many more people on the street yesterday than just the day before.  Of course last night was the Opening ceremony, and yesterday we were all stunned by the quick and violent death of the 21 year old Georgian athlete who was killed in a luge accident during practice.  The news here played the video over and over yesterday, and  most of the team's reaction was the same.  It hurt us to see the young man crash. Interestingly enough, or should I say that this is how God works, one of our team members, Peggy Stanley from Arkansas, ministered to a nurse on Thursday who would be working as part of the emergency medical team assigned to the Luge track. We may never know the impact of that ministry this side of heaven.

Yesterday, we were blessed to have the Olympic torch relay pass almost in front of our hostel.  It was much more emotional than I had thought it might be.  This was because, I believe, that the Olympics symbolize so much about world cooperation and world community(even if its now more like big money/big business) .  As I grew up, like most of my generation, we were treated with ABC's Wide World of Sports and for me, the Olympics are synonymous with Kurt Goudie's words..."the thrill of victory...the agony of defeat."  But also there is the pride of the Canadian people.  This torch relay has been the longest in history and used, I understand, 15 million runners as the torch made it way a crossed Canada, and as it wound it way through Vancouver over the last two days. People lined the streets and cheered loudly as it passed. I found it to be quite moving.

Yesterday was a very wonderful day in the ministry here.  We had 3 teams out on the streets, 1 of which was at the Olympic venue on Whistler Mountain several hours away.  The team I worked with stay here in Vancouver.  But it was by far the best day of ministry I have had since coming here.  I ended up witnessing to a large number, ministered to a grieving woman, and having numerous conversations with many people - young, old, even toddlers! I started the day with about 2 dozen Jesus pins, and returned with only 2!  It was amazing as people just let us begin to minister and to share the Gospel, especially since Canada is a very liberal western country and can be opposed to it, having many new age ideas held as truths.

David and I met this one woman whose daughter has metastatic breast cancer and is really struggling.  You could hear the pain the in mom's voice as she related this story.  We prayed with her and I ended up sharing the story of our son Mark's death last summer.  God works in many ways...It was just a quick moment of compassion and care.  A moment where I believe this woman will see God's love reaching out to her and her daughter.  She took 2 Jesus pins, one for her and one for her daughter.  She stated that she could not wait to share our meeting with her daughter.

Here are some picture from yesterday:

Kaitlynn, our team member (in red) ministers to a woman.  Kaitlynn is showing her the Jesus pin.

Team member Grant shares the gospel with a mother and daughter at Granville Island.

We found Wendy... we eat lunch at a Wendy's and this young Chinese woman was decked out as Wendy and she encouraged people on the street to eat at Wendy's.  Later while inside Peggy witnessed to her and gave her a Jesus Pin.  "Wendy" kept repeating how "lucky" she was to receive the attention of our Team.

Have you ever witnessed a Totem Pole being built?  Well now I have.  There was an artisan area at Granville Island where you can get many different artisan crafts. In one shop they crave Totem poles.

Here is a quick look at the Vancouver skyline showing the clouds obscuring the top of Grouse Mountain and hiding the Olympic sky event area on top.  Locals tell us that this cool, rainy weather is normal for Vancouver.

Here is the Olympic torch as it passes near our Hostel

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