Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Morning in Vancouver

Good Morning...

...and hopefully you have let your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, know how much you love them today... after all it is Valentine's Day today.  And by the way...Valentine's day is not just for young dating couples... it is for us older more mature married couples too.... I will always say that I love my wife dearly and my life would not be the same without her.  So celebrate what is really behind your relationship with your husband or wife, that God given gift to love...

It is still cool and rainy here, never a hard rain, just a constant light rain or misty drizzle.  I can't help but laugh... Faith Temple, my church, knows how I do not like snow.  Well it is 12-15 degrees warmer here in Vancouver and we have no snow.... at the church located in Lanett (Alabama) they had 5-6 inches on the ground yesterday. You know, I love my church but  I can't help but laugh at the irony here!

Well the weather here continues to hamper our efforts, but there is a bigger problem we are encountering.  It is the cultural acceptance of new age philosophy... or should I say theology.  Canada is a very liberal culture... anything goes kind of culture.  "Everybody's gods are OK with me" is a line we are hearing more and more often.  They believe that total tolerance is the key to a successful and happy life, and that spiritually it will bring them peace and a happy after life.  The other idea that is beginning to surface is that our spiritual lives are all about learning to commune with nature... its about feeling a peace or a oneness with nature...Well you can imagine how I feel about that one!
But we are continuing to work, to meet, and talk to people.  One of the ministries we are finding needful here is to encourage those who are Christian.  There does exist a minority population of Christians here who feel pretty battered and need to know that their belief and service is not in vain. So as we meet them, and know they quickly approach us when they see our jackets and realize we are chaplains,  often thanking us for coming here and for sharing the Gospel and the love of God.

We spent some hours last night at the Olympic Venue at Robinson Center.  It was a unique area, having a skating rink and an overhead zip line... a zip line is a steel cable pulled in the air between two high points that people then slide down on a pulley thing.  I know my explanation is not the best... but it is a popular ride here for those who like to ride on scary roller coasters and such.  Your body is flying through the air held by this cable... Not for me thank you.  There is also several stages with performances by various groups  such as Chinese dancers, Flamingo dancers, and more of the same. We set up several teams to walk through the crowd looking for opportunities to minister.  It was slow, but most of us did some ministry.  Tricia and I shared with 4 oriental ladies and 1 family of four form Vancouver.

Below are some pictures others have taken of me ministering on the street here.  Generally I am behind the camera not in front of it!


I am ministering to an individual who works for a Cable TV network here in Canada who is scouting for locations.  We were both on the street waiting for the Olympic torch to pass by.  I am showing him the Jesus pin and explaining the colors to him.

I am talking with a local bus driver.  He turned out to be a Christian and he began to witness back to me!


I am witnessing to a woman on the street near Granville Island.  You can tell how cold it is if I am waring my wool cap!

Here Myra (left), Jonathon (front right), and me minister on Granville St. near our hostel.

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