Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Morning February 19

Good Morning,

I sit here at breakfast with Brad, Nathan, and Ted talking about the ministry on the street yesterday. Brad hails from Arkansas and has been on several AMI teams; Nathan is a Texan, a  college student majoring in theology and planning a life in ministry. Ted is a Canadian who came here on his own to minister on the street.  We are very different types of people, with very different kinds of gifts, talents, wants, and plans.  Yet we share a common bond.  You cannot miss the real theme here... the unity of God's people.  

Brad is in some ways like me.... older, married, having dealt with life's ups and down, and having overcome many obstacles. Nathan is young, has much more hair than either me or Brad, laughs more, definitely weighs less than us, and is not quite sure of where he is eventually headed.   Ted is older, obviously not as educated, isn't economically well off.

Yet, here we all are...sharing our faith in Christ in a dark and lost world.  In the world we segregate ourselves in many economic status, by ethnic background, by gender, by political persuasion, etc. Who you are IS THE BIG DEAL... maybe.  Not wanting  to throw stones at anyone, but we all can think of the big WHO's who aren't so big anymore, or who are struggling with their public image because of hidden faults or failures that have become very public.  In the world fame and fortune is really fleeting...In the Kingdom it's quite different.  We are one in Christ Jesus.  And the best part is the AMI Team reflects this wonderful unity and harmony. There are 20+ AMI chaplains here right now, we are one team, reflecting one image, sharing one Word and one God.  The Olympics draws the world into one city for a short time.  An amazing gathering of people of all countries, varying ethnicity,  and so forth. And AMI Sports Chaplains are here to share the Word.

(I am having a little trouble writing this morning because  the conversation at the table is really engaging this morning.  Jeff, another pastor has joined us and we are reflecting on our experiences here in Vancouver.)

I can tell you this...I have been a pastor for over 14 years, a Full endorsed Clinical Chaplain for 12 years, and involved in ministry for 20 years.  But here at Vancouver, over the last 10 days, I have shared my faith with more people than I can tell you. I tried to keep a generalized idea so I could tell you a number, as if a number mattered, but I have lost count. Many people let me share and accepted the Jesus Pin, then kindly refused to accept Christ, some have expressed interest, and a few said they are going to accept Him in their desired environment.  But I can tell you that I am richer for the experience and glad that I came.  You simply cannot experience this anywhere else in the world!  I had only one purpose here... no mixed agendas allowed here... to shared Christ with all who would stop and listen.  It has been a successful mission!

I want to end this with a passage of scripture that I have been reminded of in our talk around the table today.  A passage that has great meaning in my testimony....

 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:13-17
A preacher has been sent... they have heard...we will see in heaven how many heeded! My hope and my prayer is that the number is great....

I will report more tonight if I am able... or from home when I can.......

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