Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Morning February 18

Good Morning,

Had a great day in the Lord yesterday!  I stayed on the streets of Vancouver and Granville Island and just walked about talking and sharing with people.  So far the AMI team has ministered to people from many countries and many US States.  I don't really have a full list in my head, you can use the link on the top of the right hand side to go to the AMI Sports Chaplains Facebook page for a complete list... but it is pretty long! The world comes to one city during the Olympics and it is a great time to share Jesus!  

Also, on the right top is a link to another AMI Sports Chaplain's Blog... Chaplain Myrna is writing a daily blog of her experience and ministry here too. I went up there yesterday evening and read it and it is worth checking out.  So click on the link and check it out!

Each team member has their own way of sharing.  Part of the task for each of us is to develop a way of meeting and sharing our faith with people.  I find that the best way for me is to just be visible... to stand or walk just a small distance out of the normal stream of traffic and let people approach me.  Our red jackets can be a great attractor and when 2 or 3 of us are together it is amazing how many people stop to ask us who we are and what we are doing.
I am not sure how many people are familiar with the Jesus Pin.

This is the pin we use to share our faith.  At the Olympics there is an amazing amount of pin trading.  Pins from every country, every business, and any other entity you can imagine.  The Jesus Pin creates a natural open door for us to present the story of Jesus in concise and accurate form. The torch and the colors on the pin, are representative of the story.     The torch stands for Jesus Who is the eternal light of the world and the torch is of course a major item at the Olympics.  Black stands for the sin that is in our lives...everyone's life.  And if the story ended there it would be the saddest story ever told, because there would be no hope.  But we have hope... so this is the greatest story ever told!  RED stands for Jesus' sacrifice and He took the punishment for our sins.  White stands for purity, which is how God sees us after we have Jesus in our heart.  Green stands for growth as every believer needs to have a life of growth by participating in church, prayer, and bible study.  Gold...I tell everyone that no athlete comes to the Olympics shooting for the sliver, they all come looking for the Gold.  Well, for believers we are looking for the Gold too,  that is the streets of Gold in Heaven which is every believer's future!

From there we engage people by asking if they have heard the story and if they would like to receive Jesus.  A long with that we also ensure that we pray for people who want prayer, we spend time encouraging those needing encouragement.

More later..............

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