Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Morning February 22

 Good Morning,

Well, here I am, sitting in my office at my home computer.   I am definitely still tired, and dealing with all the physical things a long trip brings on.  But I am home... and for those who know me well they know that I beleive that Dorothy had spoken the wisdom of the ages when she said, "There's no place like home."  So I am glad to be here, but in some ways wishing I was back at Vancouver with David and the team.

I don't know if I will ever be able to tell all that I experienced there.  Yesterday at worship we had a testimony day... The New Orleans Team gave individual testimonies about their mission trip to New Orleans and I did a Vancouver presentation. There was more to tell than I could, and certainly more that I could really give people an understanding of.  It was a trip of a lifetime. That is the conclusion I come to this morning, and even if I can go to London in 2 1/2 years, it will not be the same. Vancouver was my first AMI trip... 

How can I tell you about the witnessing that I experienced?  You know witnessing has two sides... one if you are being witnessed to, but another if you are witnessing. Both sides have very different perspectives and very different spiritual components. Witnessing, sharing your faith, is very rewarding even if no one responds positively .
How can I tell you about the experience of walking the streets in a foreign country (and yes, Canada can be a very foreign country!) and participating in the Olympic Event? It is pretty awesome.  I cannot imagine what it must be like as an athlete. 

How can I tell you what sitting in the stands and watching my first Olympic event was like?  I can't... it was too far beyond words.  I kept expecting someone to come over and tell me that I was enjoying myself too much! I did feel guilty like I was acting too much like a kid or something...

But I am home now, and thankful.  I am thankful I am home, thankful I have a home and a loving church to come back to. Thankful I have a wife that was glad to see me and 2 cats that missed me enough to tell me so (cats you know are a very different kind of people! You never know how they will react....) I thank Rita for calling me and telling me where to turn to watch the USA vs Canada Olympic hockey match last night... Wonderful.  USA won in a real tough and hard hitting game.  I can still hear the crowd... "U...S...A.......  U...S...A.......    U...S..A......."

I will leave the blog up for several weeks just to make sure everyone who desires can read it....Eventually it will come down and I will stop talking about it.... maybe....

Oh, and David... what did yo say those dates for London were?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Morning February 19

Good Morning,

I sit here at breakfast with Brad, Nathan, and Ted talking about the ministry on the street yesterday. Brad hails from Arkansas and has been on several AMI teams; Nathan is a Texan, a  college student majoring in theology and planning a life in ministry. Ted is a Canadian who came here on his own to minister on the street.  We are very different types of people, with very different kinds of gifts, talents, wants, and plans.  Yet we share a common bond.  You cannot miss the real theme here... the unity of God's people.  

Brad is in some ways like me.... older, married, having dealt with life's ups and down, and having overcome many obstacles. Nathan is young, has much more hair than either me or Brad, laughs more, definitely weighs less than us, and is not quite sure of where he is eventually headed.   Ted is older, obviously not as educated, isn't economically well off.

Yet, here we all are...sharing our faith in Christ in a dark and lost world.  In the world we segregate ourselves in many economic status, by ethnic background, by gender, by political persuasion, etc. Who you are IS THE BIG DEAL... maybe.  Not wanting  to throw stones at anyone, but we all can think of the big WHO's who aren't so big anymore, or who are struggling with their public image because of hidden faults or failures that have become very public.  In the world fame and fortune is really fleeting...In the Kingdom it's quite different.  We are one in Christ Jesus.  And the best part is the AMI Team reflects this wonderful unity and harmony. There are 20+ AMI chaplains here right now, we are one team, reflecting one image, sharing one Word and one God.  The Olympics draws the world into one city for a short time.  An amazing gathering of people of all countries, varying ethnicity,  and so forth. And AMI Sports Chaplains are here to share the Word.

(I am having a little trouble writing this morning because  the conversation at the table is really engaging this morning.  Jeff, another pastor has joined us and we are reflecting on our experiences here in Vancouver.)

I can tell you this...I have been a pastor for over 14 years, a Full endorsed Clinical Chaplain for 12 years, and involved in ministry for 20 years.  But here at Vancouver, over the last 10 days, I have shared my faith with more people than I can tell you. I tried to keep a generalized idea so I could tell you a number, as if a number mattered, but I have lost count. Many people let me share and accepted the Jesus Pin, then kindly refused to accept Christ, some have expressed interest, and a few said they are going to accept Him in their desired environment.  But I can tell you that I am richer for the experience and glad that I came.  You simply cannot experience this anywhere else in the world!  I had only one purpose here... no mixed agendas allowed here... to shared Christ with all who would stop and listen.  It has been a successful mission!

I want to end this with a passage of scripture that I have been reminded of in our talk around the table today.  A passage that has great meaning in my testimony....

 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:13-17
A preacher has been sent... they have heard...we will see in heaven how many heeded! My hope and my prayer is that the number is great....

I will report more tonight if I am able... or from home when I can.......

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday Evening February 18

WOW what a day!

We went as a team to the USA vs. Norway men's hockey game today.  I have never been to a hockey game before, and had never watched it in TV.  I am now a hockey fan!  Great game and the USA won 6-1.  Now before you get to excited I did some ministry while I was there... Here are some pictures of the people around me I ministered to. 

This is Tiana, she is 4 months old and loves to smile and laugh.  Amazingly she slept through of the hockey... through people cheering and stamping heir feet.  Her family is from Vancouver and unfortunately they cheered for Norway.

This is Owen and he is three.  He loves hockey and he can shout for the USA.  His faimly comes from Seattle.  He has an older brother Mac who looks like a larger version of him!.
This is Rebbecca.  I met her on the street today after we came out of the hockey game.  She came up to us and asked if we were athletes... she thought our red coats made us look like Team USA.  We wished!  She was really sweet and she is holding up her Jesus Pin.

It was a tough day for ministry.  Lots of people on the street, but unfortunately the spirit on the street is not very good.  Our team met more resistance today, and more mockery than any other day. There was a street preacher  out on the street near one of my favorite areas, unfortunately he was stirring up more mockery and derision then anything else.  We moved down the street but a Canadian Team hockey game was about to start.  So most people were moving rapidly and not wanting to talk.

One of the first meeting our team today was with an individual who was willing to stop and hear the Jesus Pin story.  But after hearing Brad related the story of Jesus, he told us..."I believe in Muslim, Hindu, Moses, Jesus, and all the rest.  They were good teachers and I have a relationship with  all of them." This is the New Age, syncretistic spirit that pervades this area.

 All the day was not bad and here are some ministry pictures:

Brad shares the Gospel with a Vancouver couple

Teresa and Peggy share with a LDS believer from Utah

Ah yes...Hockey. It was a great game!

Everybody needs a good twin Zamboni picture!

Thursday Morning February 18

Good Morning,

Had a great day in the Lord yesterday!  I stayed on the streets of Vancouver and Granville Island and just walked about talking and sharing with people.  So far the AMI team has ministered to people from many countries and many US States.  I don't really have a full list in my head, you can use the link on the top of the right hand side to go to the AMI Sports Chaplains Facebook page for a complete list... but it is pretty long! The world comes to one city during the Olympics and it is a great time to share Jesus!  

Also, on the right top is a link to another AMI Sports Chaplain's Blog... Chaplain Myrna is writing a daily blog of her experience and ministry here too. I went up there yesterday evening and read it and it is worth checking out.  So click on the link and check it out!

Each team member has their own way of sharing.  Part of the task for each of us is to develop a way of meeting and sharing our faith with people.  I find that the best way for me is to just be visible... to stand or walk just a small distance out of the normal stream of traffic and let people approach me.  Our red jackets can be a great attractor and when 2 or 3 of us are together it is amazing how many people stop to ask us who we are and what we are doing.
I am not sure how many people are familiar with the Jesus Pin.

This is the pin we use to share our faith.  At the Olympics there is an amazing amount of pin trading.  Pins from every country, every business, and any other entity you can imagine.  The Jesus Pin creates a natural open door for us to present the story of Jesus in concise and accurate form. The torch and the colors on the pin, are representative of the story.     The torch stands for Jesus Who is the eternal light of the world and the torch is of course a major item at the Olympics.  Black stands for the sin that is in our lives...everyone's life.  And if the story ended there it would be the saddest story ever told, because there would be no hope.  But we have hope... so this is the greatest story ever told!  RED stands for Jesus' sacrifice and He took the punishment for our sins.  White stands for purity, which is how God sees us after we have Jesus in our heart.  Green stands for growth as every believer needs to have a life of growth by participating in church, prayer, and bible study.  Gold...I tell everyone that no athlete comes to the Olympics shooting for the sliver, they all come looking for the Gold.  Well, for believers we are looking for the Gold too,  that is the streets of Gold in Heaven which is every believer's future!

From there we engage people by asking if they have heard the story and if they would like to receive Jesus.  A long with that we also ensure that we pray for people who want prayer, we spend time encouraging those needing encouragement.

More later..............

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday Morning February 17

Good Morning,

Every day in the early morning, I sit here in the hostel dinning area working on the blog and spending time with team mates and new friends.  It is always a good time.  My thing is people... big ones, short ones, gray haired people, blonde hair, brown hair, thin and not so thin... People and relationships are the Kingdom... So it is a good time.  This morning I sit with Brad from Arkansas, a great new friend.  he is a strong believer,  a good Sports Chaplain,  a great sense of humor, and a man with an infectious laugh.  It is always a time of sharing and of laughing.  We began this breakfast thing... we try to buy each other's breakfast... I will admit he has out foxed me there several times... but all in fun and fellowship. He, like many of my team mates, has helped make this trip fun, deeply spiritual, and rewarding.

I promised last night to tell you about our ministry yesterday.  It was amazing.  God has really touched my heart here.  We spent the day on Granville St. and Robinson Center were we shared with many individuals and families.  For me it seemed to be "family day" as I seemed to get mostly families.  School is out here so we see lots of children and teens.  Let me give you a little testimony about a meeting I had with one family that made my day. I have been talking a little about God giving us gifts along the way. This qualifies as an amazing gift.

I was talking to several teens and sharing the Jesus Pin when a family passing by caught my eye.  They were of Indian (India) descent and they moved in front of me and came around to my right shoulder and stopped, intently listening to my words as I finished sharing with the teens. When I finished, I turned to the father of this family and said "Hello",  and he introduced himself (and I will never try to spell this name because I could barely pronounce it!) and asked who we were.  Well, that was the door I needed and I took out some pins and began to share Jesus with them. I asked him if I could tell the story behind our pin and his response was interesting, "I will let you tell your story if I can tell you my story too".  I thought OK it is still an opening.  So I began sharing the story of Jesus using the Jesus Pin.  While I was sharing the story, he and his wife kept ginning at each other.  Well I have seen some families smirk, or get little looks between members and it usually signaled they were not really interested.  So I finished the story and asked them if they had ever heard the story of Jesus before. He stopped me and said, "No, I get to tell you my story now." "OK" I replied.  Here is what he said:

"We used to be die hard Hindus. My son" [pointing to his 15 year old boy] "went to a pool 6 years ago and something happened.  He was not right, but we did not know what was wrong.  My brother is an evangelical Christian like you.  He asked if he could bring his pastor over and I said yes.  His pastor prayed for my son and he was instantly healed." [With a sweeping gesture that indicated his whole family he said] "We are all evangelical Christians now!" 

I was blown away!  I shouted with glee right there on the street. The entire family had "Cheshire Cat "gins on their faces.  What a story... You can not fight against the power of God!  He has a way and He knows what it takes.  This made my day.

"Our God is an awesome God.
He reigns from heaven above,
With wisdom, power and love.
Our God is an awesome God."

Yes He is!

More pictures from yesterday:

This is the official Olympic Torch at the main Olympic stadium

Here I am sharing on the street with a young Vancouver resident. (Not the man in the testimony)

I was standing a few feet away when Jerry led two teens to the Lord while we ministered on the street in Robinson Center.

Grant sharing on the steps of the big screen video display at Robinson Center.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pictures from Tuesday February 16


I am going to post a new written entry tomorrow, but I wanted to put up some pictures this afternoon. They are of our part of our time on the streets this afternoon. (more ministry pictures tomorrow morning)

Ron with one of the local advertising Mascots.  

This is my new friend Donovan.  He is a 5 year old Vancouver native and is full of energy.  His mom stopped to talk with Dave Swanson and I got to talk with Donovan!  We shared special handshakes... he had one that he did with a closed fist... a bump and then a bear claw.... I showed him one I have used with kids for years... 

A street performer, she does a great job as a mechanical Cowgirl.  She really has the moves down.


 This picture shows you her blue eyes, which is the only thing that let me know she was really human and not a machine!

 Everyone should have at least one Zamboni  picture!

Dave Swanson standing by a fountain next to the Vancouver Art Museum

Tuesday Morning....February 16

Good Morning,

Yesterday was amazing... When I shared parts of my day with David Guinn his comment was, "Your not in Kansas anymore!" with his great booming laughter.  Yes folks... Joe is off the map and having a great experience in Vancouver.  First, let me tell you that there is snow here now...Yeah that white cold stuff that  I am allergic to, it is on the mountain tops surrounding the City of Vancouver now.  I am thankful that there is no snow in the city... Why does a southerner who doesn't like the cold come to the WINTER Olympics?  Yes, I have asked myself that question too.  I can answer that it is both the power of the Spirit and the gift of encouragement in David.

I want to tell you about being off the map, but first let me tell you about the day's ministry.  We went to the streets near our Hostel where there is a Olympic area; a section of streets blocked off with displays, different types of sculptures, and people...lots of people.  I just walked around with team member Allen and shared with more people than I could count.  I remember one incident where I was sharing with 3 families at the same time... 3 dads, 3 moms, and maybe 6-8 kids.  One young boy, about 5, was able to tell me the story of Jesus in his words (now true, his mom did a little coaching from the side... But what mom wouldn't?), and he did a great job.  I had two other people tell me that they wanted to accept Jesus but were going to do so at a setting of their choosing.  (That seems to be one of the cultural things here.)    I just know I ran out of Jesus Pins in about 2 hours!

Now, being off the map.... I was blessed to go to the Men's 500 meter Speed Skating event yesterday.  Our team sends several members into an event every day to watch...and to do ministry.  (Now I will admit I did more watching than ministry...but I was really off the map.)  I remember sitting there, thinking, "Lord what an awesome blessing.  I never thought that I would ever be sitting in an Olympic event watching such unbelievable competition."  I grew up watching the Olympics on TV and thinking... those are the world's best.  I cheered  for athletes I knew (I was coached, in public school, at one point many years ago, by 2 of America's top decathlon competitors).  But I never thought I would be, in my wildest dreams, sitting in the stands, a bare 50 ft. from world class athletes in world class competition!  I cannot tell you how that  felt... I just sat there smiling (probably a little idiotically maybe!). I was savoring the moment. It was a moment I will treasure...

 As I sat there I had a Holy Spirit moment... I know that God uses things of the world to teach His things, or to take us deeper into His Word. I was reminded that Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 9:24-26; "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.  And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.  I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:".  Here were individuals who had spent their lives training and working towards a 35 second race. That is how long a 500 meter speed skating race takes to complete!  They skate at about 40 miles an hour... they move!  And they go for the GOLD... no one skates for the silver...just the GOLD.  And God said, "That's what we do as Christians... we go for the GOLD."  That is the streets of Gold in heaven... we spent our lives training... becoming more and more like Jesus, learning to live as a Christian.  Our prize is not just a medal, and not earthly fame (No, we would be on any ESPN talk shows or any shows for that matter!) Our prize is an eternity in  heaven on streets of GOLD.  And better yet, only one person can win the GOLD at an Olympic event., but every Christian wins the GOLD!!!!!!  They train for a 35 second race...we train for an eternal life! And as I sat there it became a deeper truth to me even if I may not be able to share it better right now... I run and eternal race... for an eternal reward, with an eternal God.  How awesome a truth!  I wonder if Paul wrote that after having witnessed one of  the early Olympic games in Greece when he was there.  I know he used it to reach those familiar with the games... but maybe he witnessed them too! It was a wonderful God moment... I have always said that I was a blessed man... and I am.

Here are some pictures from yesterday:

Ron shares with 3 individuals on the street.

Allan shares with a young boy and family.  Vancouver has a high population of people of Asian descent.

A 500 meter speed skating race.  The one in blue is an American.  Note how it looks like they are running... Have you ever tried running on ice skates?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Morning....February 15


Yesterday we spent the morning worshiping at Coastal Church in downtown Vancouver.  A large church with numerous Sunday Services, and a wonderful worship atmosphere.  The message was on the lessons learned from Joseph.... good worship, good message.

We spent the afternoon back at Olympic Venue at Robinson Center.  Massive amounts of people...more than thousands... we just stood on the sidewalk and let people pass by.  Eventually we would get someone's attention and they would approach us...and ministry would begin.  I watched Jerry lead two young teens to the Lord yesterday... We have seen some salvations and re-dedications, and we have watered many, many seeds that have been planted.  Yesterday I realized that I have gone through several packs of Jesus Pins... each pack has 25 pins in it... and I am not really counting... just amazed at how many people I have ministered to so far! I know that I could not do that back home even as a Pastor.  The Jesus Pin makes witnessing so much easier and when using the pin, it just flows.  There is a Spirit "Genius" in the Jesus Pin!
Below is a team picture of the entire team....


For whatever reason I forgot to take my camera with me yesterday so I have no pictures to share today.  I won't forget it today!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Night February 14


I have had a wonderful day today.  Spent some time with a new friend I will tell you about later in this entry, and saw blue sky here in Vancouver for the first time since coming here!

Yes, the rain stopped for awhile today and the sun came out! The temperature rose a little...for a little while.  Tomorrow is more rain....well after all we are in the Pacific Northwest!

Let me tell you about my new friend... his name is Dave and his picture (standing with me) is below.  Dave walked up to the table at breakfast and asked to join us. Brad, a teammate from Arkansas, was having breakfast with me as I worked on the morning's blog entry, and Dave realized we were Christians.  Dave is a Christian too, and actually ministered as a youth pastor for a number of years in the state of Illinois. We had a great time at breakfast talking about the world, American politics and Christians, the Olympics, and Vancouver. Not only was it just good fellowship, it reminded me of the power of relationships in the Kingdom of God.  When we teach that our relationship with God is all about how we get blessed, we miss that the Kingdom exists in relationships.  That is to say, that relationships are the foundation and the structure of the Kingdom.  Everything comes by...and exists within... relationships. What we have physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually  comes through our relationships.  The real blessings of life come as and through our relationships within the kingdom.  Spending about 1 hour with Dave this morning was a great blessing, which I enjoyed thoroughly and because of that bond of family that comes from being part of the Kingdom, I know that the time, and the presence of Dave here, was a small present from the God I worship and serve.  I have always stated that if we will open our eyes and our hearts we will see that God gives us little gifts of people along our path... they are some of the greatest gifts of the Kingdom. Dave has a facebook page that tells you more about him...and Dave, when you read this please go to the bottom and by commenting on this page you can leave you facebook address so that other can check it out! 

Part of the reason I bring this up is to also say that our ministry here is about relationships... All AMI chaplains begin to minister by first forming some relationship with the individuals they are meeting, and talking with.  The sharing of our faith happens...within the relationships we form with those we meet here.  It is what makes this ministry so powerful and fruitful.

Sunday Morning in Vancouver

Good Morning...

...and hopefully you have let your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, know how much you love them today... after all it is Valentine's Day today.  And by the way...Valentine's day is not just for young dating couples... it is for us older more mature married couples too.... I will always say that I love my wife dearly and my life would not be the same without her.  So celebrate what is really behind your relationship with your husband or wife, that God given gift to love...

It is still cool and rainy here, never a hard rain, just a constant light rain or misty drizzle.  I can't help but laugh... Faith Temple, my church, knows how I do not like snow.  Well it is 12-15 degrees warmer here in Vancouver and we have no snow.... at the church located in Lanett (Alabama) they had 5-6 inches on the ground yesterday. You know, I love my church but  I can't help but laugh at the irony here!

Well the weather here continues to hamper our efforts, but there is a bigger problem we are encountering.  It is the cultural acceptance of new age philosophy... or should I say theology.  Canada is a very liberal culture... anything goes kind of culture.  "Everybody's gods are OK with me" is a line we are hearing more and more often.  They believe that total tolerance is the key to a successful and happy life, and that spiritually it will bring them peace and a happy after life.  The other idea that is beginning to surface is that our spiritual lives are all about learning to commune with nature... its about feeling a peace or a oneness with nature...Well you can imagine how I feel about that one!
But we are continuing to work, to meet, and talk to people.  One of the ministries we are finding needful here is to encourage those who are Christian.  There does exist a minority population of Christians here who feel pretty battered and need to know that their belief and service is not in vain. So as we meet them, and know they quickly approach us when they see our jackets and realize we are chaplains,  often thanking us for coming here and for sharing the Gospel and the love of God.

We spent some hours last night at the Olympic Venue at Robinson Center.  It was a unique area, having a skating rink and an overhead zip line... a zip line is a steel cable pulled in the air between two high points that people then slide down on a pulley thing.  I know my explanation is not the best... but it is a popular ride here for those who like to ride on scary roller coasters and such.  Your body is flying through the air held by this cable... Not for me thank you.  There is also several stages with performances by various groups  such as Chinese dancers, Flamingo dancers, and more of the same. We set up several teams to walk through the crowd looking for opportunities to minister.  It was slow, but most of us did some ministry.  Tricia and I shared with 4 oriental ladies and 1 family of four form Vancouver.

Below are some pictures others have taken of me ministering on the street here.  Generally I am behind the camera not in front of it!


I am ministering to an individual who works for a Cable TV network here in Canada who is scouting for locations.  We were both on the street waiting for the Olympic torch to pass by.  I am showing him the Jesus pin and explaining the colors to him.

I am talking with a local bus driver.  He turned out to be a Christian and he began to witness back to me!


I am witnessing to a woman on the street near Granville Island.  You can tell how cold it is if I am waring my wool cap!

Here Myra (left), Jonathon (front right), and me minister on Granville St. near our hostel.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday night in Vancouver

Good evening,

It's been a rainy and cool (temperature wise) day.  This really hampered most of the ministry here in Vancouver, but the team on Whistler Mountain had better conditions and seem to have had more successful outreach.  I also had the experience of running into more new age beliefs and attitudes than I have so far.  People wanting to believe in everybody's gods... being totally "inclusive" and it might seem good to them but it is not the truth! 

The team I was on went to Gastown, which is the old section of Vancouver that has been renovated.  We were looking for a crowd of people because that makes it easier to minister... more people = more opportunities to share.  So the weather seemed to keep people home, or at least not desiring to talk on the street to chaplains. 

While I write this I am sitting here in our room at the hostel and for the last few minutes several of us have been discussing the need for better weather... One team member finally asked,"Why don't we prayer about it?"   And so we did.  I often don't understand why God does what He does...  But this I know, God can change the weather any time He chooses. 

In a few minutes we will have our evening team meeting, I believe that as a team we will be going to a local indoor mall like shopping area to attempt to be involved in some more ministry tonight.  Hopefully, God will prepare our way, and place divine appointments in our path.

More tomorrow morning....

Bro.  Joe

Opening Day of the Olympics


It's early Saturday morning here and the people are really beginning to fill up the city.  There  were many more people on the street yesterday than just the day before.  Of course last night was the Opening ceremony, and yesterday we were all stunned by the quick and violent death of the 21 year old Georgian athlete who was killed in a luge accident during practice.  The news here played the video over and over yesterday, and  most of the team's reaction was the same.  It hurt us to see the young man crash. Interestingly enough, or should I say that this is how God works, one of our team members, Peggy Stanley from Arkansas, ministered to a nurse on Thursday who would be working as part of the emergency medical team assigned to the Luge track. We may never know the impact of that ministry this side of heaven.

Yesterday, we were blessed to have the Olympic torch relay pass almost in front of our hostel.  It was much more emotional than I had thought it might be.  This was because, I believe, that the Olympics symbolize so much about world cooperation and world community(even if its now more like big money/big business) .  As I grew up, like most of my generation, we were treated with ABC's Wide World of Sports and for me, the Olympics are synonymous with Kurt Goudie's words..."the thrill of victory...the agony of defeat."  But also there is the pride of the Canadian people.  This torch relay has been the longest in history and used, I understand, 15 million runners as the torch made it way a crossed Canada, and as it wound it way through Vancouver over the last two days. People lined the streets and cheered loudly as it passed. I found it to be quite moving.

Yesterday was a very wonderful day in the ministry here.  We had 3 teams out on the streets, 1 of which was at the Olympic venue on Whistler Mountain several hours away.  The team I worked with stay here in Vancouver.  But it was by far the best day of ministry I have had since coming here.  I ended up witnessing to a large number, ministered to a grieving woman, and having numerous conversations with many people - young, old, even toddlers! I started the day with about 2 dozen Jesus pins, and returned with only 2!  It was amazing as people just let us begin to minister and to share the Gospel, especially since Canada is a very liberal western country and can be opposed to it, having many new age ideas held as truths.

David and I met this one woman whose daughter has metastatic breast cancer and is really struggling.  You could hear the pain the in mom's voice as she related this story.  We prayed with her and I ended up sharing the story of our son Mark's death last summer.  God works in many ways...It was just a quick moment of compassion and care.  A moment where I believe this woman will see God's love reaching out to her and her daughter.  She took 2 Jesus pins, one for her and one for her daughter.  She stated that she could not wait to share our meeting with her daughter.

Here are some picture from yesterday:

Kaitlynn, our team member (in red) ministers to a woman.  Kaitlynn is showing her the Jesus pin.

Team member Grant shares the gospel with a mother and daughter at Granville Island.

We found Wendy... we eat lunch at a Wendy's and this young Chinese woman was decked out as Wendy and she encouraged people on the street to eat at Wendy's.  Later while inside Peggy witnessed to her and gave her a Jesus Pin.  "Wendy" kept repeating how "lucky" she was to receive the attention of our Team.

Have you ever witnessed a Totem Pole being built?  Well now I have.  There was an artisan area at Granville Island where you can get many different artisan crafts. In one shop they crave Totem poles.

Here is a quick look at the Vancouver skyline showing the clouds obscuring the top of Grouse Mountain and hiding the Olympic sky event area on top.  Locals tell us that this cool, rainy weather is normal for Vancouver.

Here is the Olympic torch as it passes near our Hostel

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Evening, Feb 11

We are back from our journeys today.  Chaplain David Guinn  broke us up into 4-5 member teams to scout out several locations before the games officially tomorrow.  Lots of hustle and bustle on the street right now. Venders, corporations with displays, street performers, and a growing number of visitors coming in for the Olympics.  Also the rain continues to fall, making it very cold and difficult to work.  The weather has just not cooperated.

  Below are some pictures which I took this afternoon. 

Chaplain David Guinn getting ready to go out to minister on Vancouver streets.

Here I am with part of the team I worked with today, Jonathon and Peggy.

A display on the street created by school children in honor of they Olympics

Here members of our team are sharing Christ with people on the street. Our Jackets created lots of interest by peoplewe past on the street.  They would often stop and ask who we were, and what were we doing.

A pin trader we ran a crossed on the street today.  He is from Greece.  Pin trading is a big part of what happens outside of the sporting events.  Every group, every company, every country, every... they all have at least one pin that is given away or traded.  Pins from prior Olympics are also traded.  This led AMI to design their own pin...The Jesus Pin.

In Vancouver

It is the morning of February 11... and I am sitting in the Dinning area of our hostel in Vancouver.  It was a very long day to get here took between car, plane, and bus a total of 18 hours!  But we are here.

Vancouver is buzzing with excitement... The city has gone all out to be prepared for the Olympics and the crowds they expect it to bring in.  And judging from the conversations around me in the airport and on the bus... people are coming!

Now, Let me tell you a little about the AMI Team:  There will be a total of around 50 members, broken into 2 "teams".  The first team is here now and has approximately 24 members... both clergy and laity... from both large and small churches... from Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas,  Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.  They may be more states I have not heard of yet.  Most of the team knows each other and has worked with each other on AMI teams before.  To some degree it is like a family reunion... friends seeing friends they have not seen for a year or so...

I had dinner here in Vancouver with several is a young man from New Orleans.  He came with his Madi Gras beads and his Saint's jersey on! He is too excited... both from home and ready to do ministry!

Our first Team meeting is in a few hours... we will get the "lay of the land" and begin ministry I believe.

More later

Friday, February 5, 2010


Hello, and I am glad you have chosen to view this blog.  It is one week before I depart home for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver as a member of the AMI Sports Chaplain Team!  I am hoping to post both pictures and comments on our daily activities while I am there... Our schedule is a busy one... so if I miss a day just bear with me and hopefully I will catch up!

I am very excited and pleased to be a part of the AMI team's mission at Vancouver.  It has already taken a lot to get me here, and wonderful people have supported this effort.  To those, my sponsors... I say thank you and may God bless you richly for all you do in His name!

Chaplain Joe